Thursday, August 25, 2005

Feeding Water Fowl

Preface: There hasn't been too much visually happening for me. I had brief ideas for photos but really nothing panned out. Being busy with the closing, move and upcoming trip, creatively I have been tapped. But I did find some inspiration today...

After I spent nearly two hours being consulted and then being poked with about four needles (necessary to gain my Visa for my trip to Tanzania) at the travel clinic, I hooked up with Monkey (one of my travel buddies) and Ninu (his main squeeze) to relax in the lovely afternoon, eat lunch and feed some local water fowl.

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Monkey and Ninu. Monkey is pretty good at juggling twenty pounds of cracked corn and popping shots with his cam phone!

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Initially, we attracted a small group. These birds are not starving in the real sense but they sure were scoffing the cracked corn!

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It's funny how birds that normally stay to their own groupings by species all join in for the feeding frenzy. The barking they do to each other is hilarious at times. Reminds me of the martians from Mars Attacks. Yak, yak-yak. YAK!

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It's Don Pom Top straight mackin'! That is until he sees what we are spreading around his peops. So the Don gets curious.

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Then he proceeds to get some. The Don won't stand for no Juckin' and Jivin' unless he is directly part of it. He loves him some cracked corn, baby!

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Once a larger group took notice to the feeding the gig was up. And we were swarmed by swans, geese, canadian geese, mallards and domestics. If it weren't for the trumpeting geese the whole malee would have sounded like a Chinese auction!

BTW, all these shots were taken with my new Cybershot DSC-T7! Still getting used to it, but it will mainly serve as my travel camera for Tanzania. I can already see why it has gotten so many good reviews.